Artists 2 Artists 


Artists 2 Artists serves as a resource to artists in the vibrant MN theater community by providing mentors to support the professional development of the next generation of theater artists.

Young actors need support as they embark upon their careers. They need someone they can share their fears, joys, and concerns with who has an innate understanding of what they are going through simply based on experience. They need mentors.

Mentors are chosen for their talent, experience, and ability to listen and support young talent through candid, constructive feedback.

The artists 2 artists program is mentee driven. The program's six-month pilot program will launch on October 17, 2016. 


“He was always so zealous and honorable in fulfilling his compact with me, that he made me zealous and honorable in fulfilling mine with him. If he had shown indifference as a master, I have no doubt I should have returned the compliment as a pupil. He gave me no such excuse, and each of us did the other justice.”

 - Charles Dickens, Great Expectations